Norfolk Southern Railway Company (NSR) is issuing Request for Proposals to provide Structural, Track, and Civil Engineering Design services for CREATE Project EW2 – Design Package #3. Norfolk Southern desires to contract with Engineering Services Provider(s) (ESP) for four separate design packages for the rehabilitation/replacement of existing rail structures, track, signals, and viaducts. Proposals for a total of four EW2 Design Packages will be requested simultaneously. Consultants are permitted to pursue, and may be selected for, more than one package (2 max).
The EW2 component project is a Public Private Partnership (PPP) implementing the 75th Street Corridor Improvement Project (CIP) in Chicago that extends from the Ashburn Interlocking at the west end to the Dan Ryan Expressway at the east end. The intent of the EW2 Project is to improve mobility for rail passengers, freight, and roadway users by reducing rail-rail conflicts, reducing local mobility problems, and improving rail passenger transit service.
A mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting is scheduled for 9:00 am (CST) on December 2, 2021 at Kennedy-King College – U Building, Theatre at 740 W 63rd Street, Chicago, IL 60621. All attendees must follow City of Chicago Public Health Order No. 2021-1 while attending this meeting. Register for the mandatory Pre-Proposal Meeting at
Proposal documents must be received before 12:00 noon (CST) on January 14, 2022. Only electronic submittals emailed to [email protected] by the deadline will be considered. Selection is expected in February 2022.
Questions shall be submitted electronically to [email protected] by 12:00 noon (CST) on December 9, 2021. All questions and answers will be issued in an addendum by 5:00 pm (CST) on December 16, 2021.
Please contact Richard Conrath at Email: [email protected] to request an FTP link for the following attachments (for information only):
- Existing Bridge Plans
- Proposed Track Staging Plans
- Approved Phase 1 Report
- Bridge Condition Reports
- CREATE P2 Approved TS&L Plans
- Geotechnical Report
- Quality Management Plan