Our Projects

Grade Separations


1st Avenue & Union Pacific Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

Upgraded conditions and beterments for 26,800 vehicles and 110 freight and passenger trains daily.

Reduced congestion and increased traveler times.

Safer roadway conditions and improved community health.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 01
Project initiation pending funding availability (Phase I)

Project Location Map

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Project Area

North Limit Main St.
South Limit Oak St.
East Limit Des Plaines Ave.
West Limit N 2nd Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

Daily, 26,800 vehicles pass through the crossing. This project will reduce roadway congestion and improve safety at this location. The grade crossing separation will eliminate delay to over 3,700 vehicles daily, resulting in alleviation of almost 22,500 annual motorist hours of delay. It will also eliminate the potential for collisions between vehicles and trains.

The project will consider eliminating the at-grade crossing at 1st Avenue by two Union Pacific tracks. This will be accomplished by creating either an overpass or underpass for vehicles.


Project Benefits

More than 100 Metra and freight trains will have better-quality conditions and safer crossings. This will improve community transportation and economic services.

Chicago, IL Community Areas: Maywood

Analysis of this corridor was previously conducted by the Chicago MetropolitanAgency for Planning (CMAP). Planners estimate that weekday motorist delay at the grade crossings cost residents of hundreds of millions in wasted productivity ($332 million in 2018).

Less roadway congestion will contribute to fuel savings and preserving fuel.

Less potential for collisions between vehicles and trains.

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Project Status

Phase I Upcoming
Phase II Upcoming
Phase III Upcoming

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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