Our Projects

Grade Separations


25th Avenue & Union Pacific Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

Faster emergency response times and elimination of crashes between trains and vehicles on 25th Avenue. A crash analysis had found that at least 130 crashes occurred within the project limits prior to the grade separation.

Improved efficiency of transit and stimulated throughput in the area.

Safer roadway conditions and upgraded infrastructure.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 05
Fully funded and complete

Project Location Map

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Melrose Park, Bellwood

Project Area

North Limit Main St.
South Limit Grant Ave.
East Limit 24th Ave.
West Limit 26th Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

A completed grade separation of the 25th Avenue and Union Pacific tracks has improved the safety of the crossing by reducing the roadway congestion through the corridor from St. Charles Avenue to Lake Street. This $41 million dollar project has expedited traffic for over 19,00 vehicles daily (3,500 vehicles were delayed at this location previously each day), yielding 28,400 annual motorist hours of delay alleviated by this project.

The project created an overpass for vehicles using 25th Avenue by the Union Pacific Railroad. The Proviso Freight Yard begins 790 feet to the west of the crossing. High train volumes, coupled with yard staging of trains led to long closures of 25th Avenue.


Project Benefits

The 25th Avenue and Union Pacific Grade Separation delivers substantial time saving, safety improvements, and mobility gains for the local community and passenger/ freight rail operators..  The grade crosing separation enables greater accessibility and safety in the area.

Nearby Chicago, IL Community Areas: Bellwood and Melrose Park

This crossing’s improvements will boost local and regional economic throughput by ensuring steady freight and commuter service.

Localized environmental improvments from vehicle and locomotive idling reductions. Enhanced local ambience.

More reliable commuter rail service by Metra. As well, access to a proposed relocated Metra station was improved. By removing this transportation barrier, the project has enabled community development and redevelopment.

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Project Status

Phase I Completed
Phase II Completed
Phase III Completed

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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