Our Projects

Grade Separations


95th Street & Union Pacific Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

Better roadway conditions which improves emergency response and freight delivery times.

Faster and safer services for over 25 passenger and freight rail lines.


Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 02
Seeking design funding (Phase II)

Project Location Map

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Project Area

North Limit W 94th St.
South Limit W: 96th St.
East Limit S Harvard Ave.
West Limit S Eggleston Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

The 95th Street & Union Pacific Grade Separation will reduce roadway congestion and improve safety at this location. It will also eliminate the potential for collisions between vehicles and trains. The project will consider eliminating the at-grade crossing of 95th Street by two UP railroad tracks. This will be accomplished by creating either an overpass or underpass for vehicles using 95th Street at this location.

Daily, 24,000 vehicles and more than 700 CTA and Pace buses (95W, 108, 112, 352, 359, and 381) pass through the crossing and face delay when trains cross the roadway. This is crossing is a state designated truck route serving approximately 2,800 trucks daily and a City of Chicago “911 Critical Crossing.” This is a critical location for emergency services to access communities that have high a frequency of train movements or delays. Amtrak also operates on these tracks. The grade separation will alleviate the bottleneck.

For more information, visit https://www.95thuprr.com.

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Project Benefits

The 95th Street & Union Pacific Grade Separation will improve key community transportation corridors by improving free flow traffic speed for vehicular and freight (truck and rail) operators while reducing risk of multimodal collisions. This boosts community emergency service times, transit services, and roadway conditions. 

Chicago, IL Community Areas: Washington Heights and Roseland

Improvements to a state designated truck route (serving approximately 2,800 trucks daily) increases the throughput of the local, regional and national economy.

Approximately 24,000 vehicles, 2,800 trucks and more than 700 CTA and Pace buses (95W, 108, 112, 352, 359, and 381), and 26 trains will save on fuel and excess emissions by reduced idling.

Two Amtrak lines will see improved user traveler times and potentially larger ridership.

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Project Status

Phase I Underway
Phase II Upcoming
Phase III Upcoming

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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