Our Projects

East-West Corridor


Belt Railway Company of Chicago and Norfolk Southern Signalization

Topline Community Benefits

Increased speed and efficiency of the regional rail network.

Modern redesign and enhanced rail infrastructure.

Capacity and safety improvements.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 05
Fully funded and complete

Project Location Map

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Project Area

North Limit E 94th St.
South Limit E 98th St.
East Limit Calumet River
West Limit S. Commercial Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

This completed signalization improvement has allowed train speeds to double, increasing from 10 to 20 miles per hour. The bottleneck at this location is now significantly alleviated as this segment can handle twice the number of trains, an increase from 23 to 46 freight trains per day. Amtrak trains running on the NS Chicago Subdivision are benefited by freight trains leaving the NS Chicago mainline to enter the BRC mainline at higher speeds, reducing the potential for conflict.

The work entailed an upgrade to the Belt Railway Company of Chicago (BRC) and Norfolk Southern (NS) signal systems to power switches and signals and connected the two systems. Performed minor track realignment and grading as well.

Project Benefits

Project EW4 decongested and bolstered the regional rail network’s capacity and efficiencies, allowing for more seamless freight and passenger flows. This reduces idling train emissions, improving the local environment.

Chicago, IL Community Areas: Calumet Heights, East Side, South Chicago, and South Deering

Fewer freight service disruptions will increase rail capacity and throughput. This means trains can deliver goods faster to consumers.

The decongested rail network reduces locomotive emissions, improving noise and air quaity.

14 Amtrak trains serving multiple states will experience improved reliability and service.

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Project Status

Phase I Completed
Phase II Completed
Phase III Completed

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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