Our Projects

Grade Separations


Maple Avenue & BNSF Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

Safety and efficiency upgrades that will benefit motorists and the local community.

Improved mobility for all roadway and rail users, benefitting over 40 freight trains and 100 passenger rail trains.

Idling vehicle reductions will result in an emissions reduction and localized air quality improvements.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 01
Project initiation pending funding availability (Phase I)

Project Location Map

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Project Area

North Limit Brookfield Ave.
South Limit Burlington Ave.
East Limit Elm Ave.
West Limit Arthur Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

The Maple Avenue & BNSF Grade Separation will consider eliminating the at-grade crossing of Maple Avenue and four BNSF tracks. Daily, 10,100 vehicles and 70 Pace buses (#331) pass through the crossing. This project will create either an overpass or underpass for vehicles at this location, which will reduce roadway congestion and improve safety at this location.  

Since freight switching moves pass over this crossing, delays can be significant for motorists. The grade crossing separation will eliminate delay to nearly 2,200 vehicles daily, resulting in alleviation of over 16,000 annual motorist hours of delay.  Metra and Amtrak also operate commuter and intercity rail service over these tracks. 


Project Benefits

The Maple Avenue & BNSF Grade Separation will create substantial time saving and safety improvements. The grade crosing separation will eliminate delay for multimodal modes of passenger and freight transportation.

Nearby Chicago, IL Community Areas: Brookfield

This crossing’s improvements will boost local and regional economic throughput by carrying goods and commuters more efficiently. Over 140 freight trains will benefit from the grade separation.

This project will be accomplished by creating either an overpass or underpass for vehicles and Pace buses, creating a more fuel efficient condition for both roadway and freight/passenger rail operators.

Metra and Amtrak will see benefits from this project. Benefits include fuel savings, more reliable service, and less potential for auto collisions.

Project Status

Phase I Upcoming
Phase II Upcoming
Phase III Upcoming

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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