Our Projects

Grade Separations


Roosevelt Road & Union Pacific Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

More reliable freight and passenger rail service through speed improvements.and upgraded infrastructure.

Improved user experience and roadway conditions of the local area.

Modern redesign with safer, more conductive operating environment for all users.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 05
Fully funded and complete

Project Location Map

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West Chicago

Project Area

North Limit Longest Dr.
South Limit Roosevelt Rd.
East Limit Technology Blvd.
West Limit Kirk Rd.

Project Overview & Impact

This completed grade separation of the at-grade crossing of Route 38 (Roosevelt Road) and the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) improves vehicle delays and safety at the location where Roosevelt Road, a primary arterial road and state designated truck route, previously crossed the UPRR at a very skewed angle.

Daily, 33,600 vehicles cross the tracks on Roosevelt and approximately 3,800 vehicles were previously delayed at this location daily. This project eliminated 18,490 annual motorist hours of delay and reduced the the potential for crashes due to the long, skewed at-grade crossing.

This project grade involved the realignment of the intersection on a grade separated structure over the UPRR tracks. IL Route 38 was shifted south of the old alignment and now crosses the UPRR tracks on a new overpass structure west of the old grade crossing. Kautz Road was realigned to intersect IL Route 38 at 90-degrees on the new overpass. A bike path along the west side of Kautz Road was also realigned as part of this project. The traffic signal was modernized and the turning movements are improved by the new 90-degree alignment of the intersecting highways. An enclosed storm sewer system is used to convey stormwater runoff.

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Project Benefits

The Roosevelt Road & Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation delivers substantial time saving, safety improvements, and mobility gains for the local community and rail operators. The grade crosing separation fosters higher quality roadway conditions and improved experience.

Nearby Chicago, IL Community Areas: West Chicago

Increased goods movement and commuter mobility is delivered through the project, enabling greater economic development.

A bike path was also realigned as part of this project, allowing for non-emissions reducing transportation alternatives.

Reduction in automobile and locomotive idling.

58 Metra trains will benefit from these speed and reliability improvements.

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Project Status

Phase I Completed
Phase II Completed
Phase III Completed

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

group of 5 men standing infront of shiping containers

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