Union Pacific Railroad (UP) is issuing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to provide property acquisition services for UP and NS’s part of CREATE Project EW2, from the Ashburn Interlocking to the Dan Ryan Expressway. This project is part of the 75th Street Corridor Improvement Project in Chicago, IL. The firm will work as an extension of UP staff to provide, but not limited to licensed land surveying, title work, appraisals, preparation of plats and legal descriptions, negotiations, settlements, and project management.
Click here to view the full Request for Qualifications (RFQ)
The EW2 proposal is due on Friday, December 1, 2023, at 2:00pm (CT). Selection is expected to be finalized in January 2024.
A mandatory preproposal webinar/conference call is scheduled for Friday, October 20, 2023, at 10:00am CT. Detailed webinar information will be provided to those registered using the process described below.
Interested prime Consultants will be required to pre-register at https://suppliers.www.uprr.com/caz/supplier/registration/index.html to gain access to Union Pacific’s Source Hub. In the comment section towards the bottom of the Union Pacific Supplier Registration Request form, indicate that you want access to EW2 ROW.
Contact Union Pacific’s Supplier Management Group at 402-544-0025 with any registration questions.
Prime Consultants will be contacted via email and Keelvar when RFQ documents are available to view and download. All questions related to the RFQ must be posted to UP Keelvar Event’s Discussion (Q & A) section. Q & A will close October 27, 2023, at 2:00pm CT. All questions and answers will be issued in an addendum by 5:00 pm CT on November 3, 2023.
Email Kaylee Erlbacher, Strategic Sourcing Manager, at [email protected] with subject line “EW2 ROW Professional Services E1WK-773” to confirm you have registered.
All other interested parties for EW2 ROW including DBE organizations will be required to register through an Eventbrite link which can be found on the 75th Street Corridor Improvement Program website at http://75thcip.org/doing_business/upcomingevents