Our Projects

Grade Separations


65th & Harlem Avenue & Belt Railway of Chicago Grade Separation

Topline Community Benefits

Substantial time savings and safety improvements by reducing vehicle delay, alleviating 644 daily motorist hours of delay.

Eliminate the potential for collisions between vehicles and trains. 

Idling vehicle reductions will result in an emissions reduction and localized air quality improvements.

Improved coordination between passenger and freight rail that operate on the same line.

Project Funding Needs

CREATE gauges 03
Seeking construction funding (Phase III)

Project Location Map

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Project Area

North Limit 62nd Pl.
South Limit W 65th St.
East Limit S Sayre Ave.
West Limit S Harlem Ave.

Project Overview & Impact

At one of the busiest freight hubs in the City of Chicago, the 65th Street grade crosing separation will eliminate delay to over 1,100 vehicles daily, resulting in alleviation of 644 daily motorist hours of delay. Daily, 9,850 vehicles and 185 CTA and Pace buses (#165, #307 and #386) pass through the 65th Street crossing, which is on a state-designated truck route. An additional 17,500 vehicles pass through the adjacent intersection on Harlem Avenue at 63rd Street. These grade crossings are located in close proximity to Belt Railway of Chicago’s (BRC) Clearing Yard. 

This project will reduce roadway congestion, eliminate the potential for collisions between vehicles and trains, and improve safety at by eliminating the at-grade crossing of 65th Street and two BRC tracks located approximately 100 feet east of Harlem Avenue, by creating either an overpass or underpass for vehicles using 65th Street at this location.

Additional traffic safety improvements will also be made to the nearby intersection of 63rd Street and Harlem Avenue, where the same railroad tracks cross 63rd Street approximately 300 feet east of the intersection. The crossing at 63rd St. is also designated a “911 Critical Crossing.” This is a critical location for emergency services to access communities that have a high frequency of train movements or delays. The grade separation at 65th Street and additional safety improvements at 63rd St. will improve emergency responder travel times throughout the area.

IL43 GS1

For more information, read the full study “Illinois 43” here.

Project Benefits

The 65th & Harlem Avenue & Belt Railway of Chicago Grade Separation will create substantial time saving and safety improvements. At one of the highest trafficked areas of Chicago, the grade crosing separation will eliminate delay to over 1,100 vehicles daily, resulting in alleviation of 644 daily motorist hours of delay.

Chicago, IL Community Areas: Village of Bedford Park and Village of Summit

A decline in roadway congestion and idling vehicle reductions will result in an emissions reduction and localized air quality improvements.

This grade crossing is located in close proximity to BRC’s Clearing Yard, one of the busiest in the City of Chicago. Every train passing through these grade crossings are either entering or exiting this yard, and must move at very slow speeds (10-25 mph) in this area. Trains may also be delayed due to servicing of rail customers along the same line.

The project will also eliminate the potential for collisions between vehicles and trains. 

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Project Status

Phase I Completed
Phase II Underway
Phase III Upcoming

Project Status Definitions:
– Phase I: Environmental & Preliminary Engineering
– Phase II: Final Design (Plans, Specifications & Estimates)
– Phase III: Construction

IL43 GS1

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